Saturday, November 20, 2010

stolen or broken computers

A friend of mine (Erik) recently had his computer stolen, and it reminded me of my general philosophy regarding broken or stolen computers. I'll express it here with regard to Erik's current situation, but it applies equally well to any broken computer or part (except for the junky part, unless you sell the broken computer to a junky on ebay and he fixes it up first and then sells it for drugs, or a new tie or something.)

So, on to Erik's computer:

I always find these things to be blessings in disguise.

It was time to upgrade already, but you would have procrastinated over it for months or even years. Now there's no procrastination, in fact it becomes imperative that he get a new computer, and Moore's Law guarantees it will be an upgrade. Erik wins!

Some poor junky who can't afford a computer gets a pretty decent (maybe beat up, and well used) computer until they sell it for drugs. Junky wins twice!

Everyone is happy.
