Friday, July 01, 2005

road kill photography, an under appreciated sport

Road kill photography is a fun way to get some exercise (running down a road from the only possible place to park, a 1/2 mile from the kill), enjoy the morbidity of looking at dead animals in various states of decay, work on your dexterity (try dodging 55mph traffic trying to get a good shot of a gut-oozing possum, several days past its prime), and last but not least, improve your photography skills.

For months now, I've been commuting to work (an hour away) on Highway 238 between Williams, OR and Medford, OR and wishing I had a camera so I could photograph the many dead animals I see on the road every day. A wonderful bonus got me a nice camera (a Nikon Coolpix 5600) with not all the features I wanted (Macro mode would be awesome) but enough to make it a good first digital camera.

My first post is a very flat, very dead possum I saw today and just had to stop for. Bloody, flies everywhere, nasty in every respect.


Anonymous said...

'tis a nasty looking beast. Praise the gods that some worthy soul ran that foul creature down!


Anonymous said...

M-m-m-m, tasty!