Friday, May 19, 2006


Unicum is a Hungarian digestive liqueur, made by Zwack.

I bought a mini-bottle when I was in San Fransisco recently, and had occasion to drink a few weeks ago. Yea, yea, I'm just getting around to posting about it. STFU. Anyway, it was an enjoyable experience.
I split it into ~1/4 shot portions. I offered these to several people in my house, all who smelled it, said "yuck", tasted it, said "yuck" again and put it down. I ended up drinking all of it myself. It was good, but if you ask me how it tastes, I'd say
its kind of like shooting some jagermeister while chewing on a cinnamon stick and kissing a used ashtray full of jet fuel. My tasters agree, except for the part where they don't enjoy it. Damn, what's that say about me?

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