Friday, December 30, 2005


update: found a host for my videos:
81 megs total, one of them is 50 megs, so if you're on dial up or something, you probably dont want to bother... They're still uploading though, so you'll have to wait.

well, wow. We're flooding out, I hear all roads out of williams are closed, due to massive flooding, cant get to Grants pass, cant get to medford. I'll see about finding a host for my (small) videos, but for now, here are some pics:

this is someones front yard

on the road to provolt

powell creek (normally a low flow spot, with a foot or 2 of water

williams creek, normally about 5 feet wide, I think

on somones driveway bridge over powell creek

Monday, December 12, 2005

clean eeg

I had an appt with my neurologist today, and he told me that I have completely normal EEG results. SO, either it's just a fluke, or something else is going on. He gave me a bunch of shit for not taking the Topamax, I told him I'd try it out for a couple days, but I'm still sketched about the possible side effects, after all, my career is about thinking, and if I can't think clearly, I'm gonna have a hard time working. I love my work, and I love to think, so the cure seems potentially worse than the problem, I've had (including all the maybes) perhaps 4 - 6 seizures in the 35 years I've been around, so I can expect to find out in about 5 - 7 years if the topamax is preventing my seizures or not. Seems pretty crazy to take medication for 5 years to see if it might work.

In other news, my work gave us gift certificates to the mall for X-MAS. I sold mine to a co-worker, and bought myself a Pool Cue. got myself a Viper Striker, a very nice cue at a good price, and she sold me a damaged case for it at over 50% off (small cut in the top, caused when they were opening the box).

blah blah blah etc etc.